40 Quotes on environmental day
40 Quotes on environmental day
- Add greenery to environment to make it fresh and alive
- The greatest threat to our planet is belief that some one else will save it
- Take care of the earth and will take care of you
- It's not yours,not mine,its ours.so protect your mother who, nourish you
- Let's nurture the nature so that we can have a better a better future
- It is our duty to save environment's beauty
- Take care of the earth and she will take care of you
- It's not yours,nor mine.its ours.so, protect your mother who nourish you
- Keep it clean , keep it green
- Don't pollute water, don't pollute air,don't pollute environment,and don't pollute yourself,celebrate world environment day
- Earth provide enough to satisfy every man's needs but not every man's greed
- Trees are the poems that earth writes upon the sky ,we fell them down and turn them into paper, that we may record our emptiness
- The key to a greener planet is in your hands
- Environment is a heritage and our legacy that we all have inherited let's vow today on world environment day to protect our mother earth
- Wasting time is useless cleaning the environment is the best
- The future will either be green or not at all
- If you can't clean your surrounding then don't make it dirty
- Environmental pollution is on incurable disease.it can only be prevented
- Better environment, better tomorrow save the planet
- The earth does not belong to us ,we belong to the earth
- We won't have a society if we destroy the environment
- Think green,go green, stay green on this environment day
- Include greenery but exclude bad habbits
- Good environmental policy is good economic policy
- I can find god in nature,in animals,in birds and the environment
- I only feel angry when I see waste.when I see people throwing away things we
- Biodiversity is most precious than diamond
- The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else protect it
- Every day is a fresh start
- East or west going green is the best
- We won't have a society if we destroy environment
- Save environment,save life
- What I stand of it is what I stand on
- Nature is miracle we depend on it
- Nature is the art of god
- Every sunset brings the promise of new
- We are the last generation with a real opportunity to save nature
- Plant a tree even if it is Your last deed
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